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Planto Horti +

A liquid formulation for spraying fruit crops such as orange, lime, mango, guava, sapota, pomegranate, grapes etc. and vegetable crops. Generally, 2 sprays @ 2 ml/ L are recommended. 1st after fruit setting and 2nd one month before harvesting.

Benefits of planto Hortiplus are increased metabolic activity, more uptake & synchronization, induction of early flowering & fruiting.

Planto Horti + protects the crop from various kinds of adverse climatic conditions such as stunting and wilting in case of water shortage. It induces more uptake & mobilization of nutrients from soil, increases photosynthesis rate, reduces apical dominance and delays senescence. As a result, rapid growth & more no of large sized fruits and more than 25 % higher yield is obtained. Use of planto horti + increses shelf life with attractive colors and shining to produce. Thus along with higher yield planto Horti + makes the produce qualitatively superior.

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